I found this hunkajunk in the desert and it’s been laying on my desk for a year. I knew it would come in handy at some point.
Rotate | Zoom
There are many tools out there that allow for interesting new ways to deliver AR/VR experiences. Product sales leads the pack, but museum and science applications are viable markets.
This 64 frame series was shot on a turntable I built. It’s manual, turn/click, turn/click, and so on. I’ll likely add an automated control to precisely control the speed and movement, and also make the production more efficient.
I’m testing Matus Laco’s 360° Product Viewer because of the extensive documentation and functional awesomeness.
I’ll be making more of these and adding them to this post.
[360 width="600px" height="600px" src="yofla360/hotrod"]