
Categories: Uncategorized|

Me to ChatGPT: Write a funny and ironic story about a wasp that eats a person's turkey sandwich. GPT: In the small town of Bugsville, there lived a wasp named Wally. Wally wasn’t your typical wasp; he had a refined taste for the finer things in life. While other wasps were content with pollen and nectar, Wally craved something more... substantial. His favorite treat? A perfectly made turkey sandwich. One sunny afternoon, Wally was buzzing around the local park, scouting for his next gourmet delight. It was then that he spotted it—a picnic table, with a [...]

360 Product Display

Categories: 360 View|

I found this hunkajunk in the desert and it's been laying on my desk for a year. I knew it would come in handy at some point. Rotate |  Zoom There are many tools out there that allow for interesting new ways to deliver AR/VR experiences. Product sales leads the pack, but museum and science applications are viable markets. This 64 frame series was shot on a turntable I built. It's manual, turn/click, turn/click, and so on. I'll likely add an automated control to precisely control the speed and movement, and also make the production more efficient. I'm testing [...]

Control Systems

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6/11/2018 Where we are now A simple monochrome 3/6 channel display. view on YouTube The code is very simple at this point. Math drives the PWM to fade the outputs. I have 3 and 6 channel setups running. I'm also testing a solar battery. The control box consists of: 1 CPU 3/6 pwm mosfet power boards 1 photo relay 1 power regulator I've run this on several Arduino boards including Sun Founder brand and generic class Uno, Mega, and Nano, which is used in current production. 3 & 6 PWM outputs are used in two versions. I believe that [...]

Sonic Runway leverages LED light technology to present a memorable fashion experience

Categories: Light Sculpture|Tags: , , , |

We love light, sound and fashion. By leveraging accessible LED light technology, Sonic Runway elevates the experience. Here's the recap from the the closing ceremony of the Sonic Runway and fashion show at San Jose city hall on March 9th, 2018.  https://www.facebook.com/sanjoseculture/ https://vimeo.com/166552469

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